NOTE: To track live results as they come in after the polls close, click here. Voters across Illinois are out at the polls for the 2022 primary election, but if you haven’t voted yet, how long do you have? The polls opened at 6 a.m. statewide, and will stay open through 7 p.m. Check with your local election authority to see if there are any extensions or changes to your polling place. And remember – if you are IN LINE when polls close, you can still vote! So if you’re rushing to your polling place at the last minute, don’t worry if you see a line – and don’t let anyone try to dissuade you from casting your ballot. As of 4 p.m. Tuesday, election officials said six suburban Cook County polling places will stay open for an extra hour after they opened late. The Cook County Clerk’s office said the half-dozen locations will remain open until 8 p.m., though the remaining 1,424 suburban locations in the county will still close at 7 p.m. The locations include: Kennedy School, 1013 Division St., Chicago Heights, Illinois (Bloom TownshipPrecinct 12)Golf Middle School, 9401 Waukegan Rd. Morton Grove, Illinois (NilesTownship PrecinctOur Lady of Mount Carmel School, 1114 N. 22nd Ave., Melrose Park, Illinois(Proviso Township, Precinct 14)Roosevelt School, 1927 S. 15th Ave., Broadview, Illinois (Proviso Township,Precinct 44)Roosevelt School, 1927 S. 15th Ave., Broadview, Illinois (Proviso Township,Precinct 86)Douglas MacArthur School, 1800 Chippendale Rd., Hoffman Estates, Illinois(Schaumburg Township Precinct 31) The clerk’s office noted that voting results will be delayed in the county due to the change. Find your polling place here. And for more information on voting, how you can register to vote, who’s on your ballot and more, head to our guide.
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